List of MeSH codes (E04)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "E" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
MeSH E04 --- surgical procedures, operative
MeSH E04.030 --- ambulatory surgical procedures
MeSH E04.050 --- assisted circulation
- MeSH E04.100.376 --- cardiac surgical procedures
- MeSH E04.100.376.125 --- cardiomyoplasty
- MeSH E04.100.376.374 --- heart arrest, induced
- MeSH E04.100.376.374.500 --- circulatory arrest, deep hypothermia induced
- MeSH E04.100.376.410 --- heart bypass, right
- MeSH E04.100.376.410.295 --- fontan procedure
- MeSH E04.100.376.458 --- heart massage
- MeSH E04.100.376.475 --- heart transplantation
- MeSH E04.100.376.475.450 --- heart-lung transplantation
- MeSH E04.100.376.485 --- heart valve prosthesis implantation
- MeSH E04.100.376.719 --- myocardial revascularization
- MeSH E04.100.376.719.100 --- angioplasty, transluminal, percutaneous coronary
- MeSH E04.100.376.719.125 --- atherectomy, coronary
- MeSH E04.100.376.719.332 --- coronary artery bypass
- MeSH E04.100.376.719.332.199 --- coronary artery bypass, off-pump
- MeSH E04.100.376.719.332.400 --- internal mammary-coronary artery anastomosis
- MeSH E04.100.376.730 --- pericardial window techniques
- MeSH E04.100.376.735 --- pericardiectomy
- MeSH E04.100.376.745 --- pericardiocentesis
- MeSH E04.100.700 --- reperfusion
- MeSH E04.100.700.600 --- myocardial reperfusion
- MeSH E04.100.814 --- vascular surgical procedures
- MeSH E04.100.814.050 --- angioplasty
- MeSH E04.100.814.050.060 --- angioplasty, balloon
- MeSH E04.100.814.050.060.080 --- angioplasty, balloon, laser-assisted
- MeSH E04.100.814.050.060.100 --- angioplasty, transluminal, percutaneous coronary
- MeSH E04.100.814.050.075 --- angioplasty, laser
- MeSH E04.100.814.050.075.080 --- angioplasty, balloon, laser-assisted
- MeSH E04.100.814.050.120 --- atherectomy
- MeSH E04.100.814.050.120.125 --- atherectomy, coronary
- MeSH E04.100.814.055 --- angioscopy
- MeSH E04.100.814.143 --- arteriovenous shunt, surgical
- MeSH E04.100.814.200 --- blood vessel prosthesis implantation
- MeSH E04.100.814.300 --- cerebral revascularization
- MeSH E04.100.814.445 --- embolectomy
- MeSH E04.100.814.456 --- endarterectomy
- MeSH E04.100.814.456.250 --- endarterectomy, carotid
- MeSH E04.100.814.603 --- limb salvage
- MeSH E04.100.814.750 --- peritoneovenous shunt
- MeSH E04.100.814.790 --- portasystemic shunt, surgical
- MeSH E04.100.814.790.790 --- portacaval shunt, surgical
- MeSH E04.100.814.790.830 --- portasystemic shunt, transjugular intrahepatic
- MeSH E04.100.814.790.870 --- splenorenal shunt, surgical
- MeSH E04.100.814.842 --- thrombectomy
- MeSH E04.100.814.895 --- venous cutdown
MeSH E04.188 --- decompression, surgical
- MeSH E04.210.070 --- anastomosis, roux-en-y
- MeSH E04.210.078 --- appendectomy
- MeSH E04.210.120 --- biliary tract surgical procedures
- MeSH E04.210.120.086 --- biliopancreatic diversion
- MeSH E04.210.120.172 --- cholecystectomy
- MeSH E04. --- cholecystectomy, laparoscopic
- MeSH E04.210.120.195 --- cholecystostomy
- MeSH E04.210.120.200 --- choledochostomy
- MeSH E04.210.120.775 --- portoenterostomy, hepatic
- MeSH E04.210.120.850 --- sphincterotomy, endoscopic
- MeSH E04.210.120.860 --- sphincterotomy, transhepatic
- MeSH E04.210.169 --- biliopancreatic diversion
- MeSH E04.210.219 --- colectomy
- MeSH E04.210.219.620 --- proctocolectomy, restorative
- MeSH E04.210.240 --- endoscopy, digestive system
- MeSH E04.210.240.160 --- cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde
- MeSH E04.210.240.250 --- endoscopy, gastrointestinal
- MeSH E04. --- colonoscopy
- MeSH E04. --- sigmoidoscopy
- MeSH E04. --- duodenoscopy
- MeSH E04. --- gastroscopy
- MeSH E04. --- proctoscopy
- MeSH E04. --- sphincterotomy, endoscopic
- MeSH E04.210.240.260 --- esophagoscopy
- MeSH E04.210.338 --- enterostomy
- MeSH E04.210.338.175 --- cecostomy
- MeSH E04.210.338.225 --- colostomy
- MeSH E04.210.338.303 --- duodenostomy
- MeSH E04.210.338.508 --- ileostomy
- MeSH E04.210.338.523 --- jejunostomy
- MeSH E04.210.346 --- esophagectomy
- MeSH E04.210.355 --- esophagoplasty
- MeSH E04.210.358 --- esophagostomy
- MeSH E04.210.390 --- fundoplication
- MeSH E04.210.419 --- gastrectomy
- MeSH E04.210.457 --- gastroenterostomy
- MeSH E04.210.457.430 --- gastric bypass
- MeSH E04.210.485 --- gastroplasty
- MeSH E04.210.496 --- gastrostomy
- MeSH E04.210.556 --- hepatectomy
- MeSH E04.210.626 --- jejunoileal bypass
- MeSH E04.210.650 --- liver transplantation
- MeSH E04.210.725 --- pancreas transplantation
- MeSH E04.210.752 --- pancreatectomy
- MeSH E04.210.760 --- pancreaticoduodenectomy
- MeSH E04.210.762 --- pancreaticojejunostomy
- MeSH E04.210.790 --- peritoneovenous shunt
MeSH E04.350 --- hemostasis, surgical
MeSH E04.365 --- intraoperative care
MeSH E04.375 --- intraoperative period
MeSH E04.446 --- lymph node excision
MeSH E04.520 --- obstetric surgical procedures
- MeSH E04.520.050 --- abortion, induced
- MeSH E04.520.050.050 --- abortion, eugenic
- MeSH E04.520.050.055 --- abortion, legal
- MeSH E04.520.050.060 --- abortion, therapeutic
- MeSH E04.520.050.060.600 --- pregnancy reduction, multifetal
- MeSH E04.520.050.600 --- pregnancy reduction, multifetal
- MeSH E04.520.100 --- cerclage, cervical
- MeSH E04.520.150 --- colposcopy
- MeSH E04.520.155 --- colpotomy
- MeSH E04.520.160 --- culdoscopy
- MeSH E04.520.252 --- delivery, obstetric
- MeSH E04.520.252.500 --- cesarean section
- MeSH E04.520.252.500.150 --- cesarean section, repeat
- MeSH E04.520.252.750 --- episiotomy
- MeSH E04.520.252.875 --- extraction, obstetrical
- MeSH E04.520.252.875.970 --- vacuum extraction, obstetrical
- MeSH E04.520.252.937 --- home childbirth
- MeSH E04.520.252.968 --- labor, induced
- MeSH E04.520.252.984 --- natural childbirth
- MeSH E04.520.252.992 --- vaginal birth after cesarean
- MeSH E04.520.252.996 --- version, fetal
- MeSH E04.520.280 --- fetoscopy
- MeSH E04.520.360 --- hysteroscopy
- MeSH E04.520.365 --- hysterotomy
- MeSH E04.555.080 --- amputation
- MeSH E04.555.080.250 --- disarticulation
- MeSH E04.555.080.380 --- hemipelvectomy
- MeSH E04.555.100 --- arthrodesis
- MeSH E04.555.100.700 --- spinal fusion
- MeSH E04.555.110 --- arthroplasty
- MeSH E04.555.110.110 --- arthroplasty, replacement
- MeSH E04.555.110.110.054 --- arthroplasty, replacement, finger
- MeSH E04.555.110.110.110 --- arthroplasty, replacement, hip
- MeSH E04.555.110.110.115 --- arthroplasty, replacement, knee
- MeSH E04.555.113 --- arthroscopy
- MeSH E04.555.120 --- bone lengthening
- MeSH E04.555.120.380 --- ilizarov technique
- MeSH E04.555.120.690 --- osteogenesis, distraction
- MeSH E04.555.130 --- bone transplantation
- MeSH E04.555.130.100 --- bone-patellar tendon-bone graft
- MeSH E04.555.200 --- diskectomy
- MeSH E04.555.200.200 --- diskectomy, percutaneous
- MeSH E04.555.300 --- fracture fixation
- MeSH E04.555.300.300 --- fracture fixation, internal
- MeSH E04.555.300.300.300 --- fracture fixation, intramedullary
- MeSH E04.555.300.380 --- ilizarov technique
- MeSH E04.555.400 --- limb salvage
- MeSH E04.555.580 --- osteotomy
- MeSH E04.555.580.580 --- osteotomy, le fort
- MeSH E04.555.700 --- tendon transfer
- MeSH E04.555.720 --- traction
MeSH E04.604 --- perioperative care
MeSH E04.624 --- postoperative care
MeSH E04.630 --- postoperative period
MeSH E04.641 --- preoperative care
MeSH E04.708 --- second-look surgery
MeSH E04.772 --- surgical procedures, elective
MeSH E04.806 --- surgical procedures, minor
MeSH E04.950 --- urogenital surgical procedures
- MeSH E04.950.165 --- castration
- MeSH E04.950.165.679 --- orchiectomy
- MeSH E04.950.165.685 --- ovariectomy
- MeSH E04.950.300 --- gynecologic surgical procedures
- MeSH E04.950.300.200 --- circumcision, female
- MeSH E04.950.300.210 --- colposcopy
- MeSH E04.950.300.220 --- colpotomy
- MeSH E04.950.300.259 --- culdoscopy
- MeSH E04.950.300.299 --- dilatation and curettage
- MeSH E04.950.300.299.970 --- vacuum curettage
- MeSH E04.950.300.399 --- hysterectomy
- MeSH E04.950.300.399.380 --- hysterectomy, vaginal
- MeSH E04.950.300.539 --- hysteroscopy
- MeSH E04.950.300.680 --- ovariectomy
- MeSH E04.950.300.750 --- salpingostomy
- MeSH E04.950.300.766 --- sterilization, tubal
- MeSH E04.950.599 --- sterilization, reproductive
- MeSH E04.950.599.450 --- sterilization, involuntary
- MeSH E04.950.599.500 --- sterilization reversal
- MeSH E04.950.599.500.800 --- vasovasostomy
- MeSH E04.950.599.683 --- sterilization, tubal
- MeSH E04.950.599.900 --- vasectomy
- MeSH E04.950.774 --- urologic surgical procedures
- MeSH E04.950.774.150 --- cystectomy
- MeSH E04.950.774.175 --- kidney transplantation
- MeSH E04.950.774.180 --- cystoscopy
- MeSH E04.950.774.435 --- nephrectomy
- MeSH E04.950.774.840 --- ureteroscopy
- MeSH E04.950.774.852 --- urinary diversion
- MeSH E04.950.774.852.240 --- cystostomy
- MeSH E04.950.774.852.642 --- nephrostomy, percutaneous
- MeSH E04.950.774.852.947 --- ureterostomy
- MeSH E04.950.774.860 --- urologic surgical procedures, male
- MeSH E04.950.774.860.226 --- circumcision
- MeSH E04.950.774.860.618 --- orchiectomy
- MeSH E04.950.774.860.620 --- penile implantation
- MeSH E04.950.774.860.625 --- prostatectomy
- MeSH E04.950.774.860.625.750 --- transurethral resection of prostate
- MeSH E04.950.774.860.800 --- ultrasound, high-intensity focused, transrectal
- MeSH E04.950.774.860.856 --- vasectomy
- MeSH E04.950.774.860.956 --- vasovasostomy